

My name is Ben Levy and I’m a Doctor of Psychology.

For the past fifteen years I have specialised in enhancing individual performance in the education and corporate sectors. Prior to this I spent nearly eight years in academia.

That’s the boring bit.

How I got here

In 2007, I spent several years completing my Doctorate at the Tavistock and Portman NHS Trust. The Tavistock specialises in how organisations and individuals tick. I learned a lot, but I needed to put my knowledge into practice.

I spent the next twelve years consulting daily with thousands of clients in a wide range of schools, homes and companies. Helping senior leaders, managers and parents overcome their challenges, by trying to understand how they tick.

Hundreds of meetings. Hundreds of conversations.

With each consultation, I understood a bit more about how people approach their problems. More importantly, I learned how I could help. Conversation by conversation, I steadily became more effective.

I regularly asked my clients what they found most helpful in our sessions and listened carefully to their answers.

A pattern emerged: Ben is at his best when he unpicks what is really going on and helps me make a plan.

Distil. Clarify. Move forward.


In early 2021, with a bit of time to reflect on my practice, I came to a jolting realisation: my successful clients all shared five things in common. Five ingredients that virtually guaranteed success.

It dawned on me that we can all possess these ingredients, with a little guidance.

My model of personal effectiveness, ABCME® was born from this insight. I used the model in one to one sessions and with teams. I even delivered a year long ABCME® project in a large Primary School.

Feedback was universally positive. There was, however, a problem.

Make it Happen

ABCME® worked best with people who needed to get one thing done. Reach a specific goal. What if they wanted to change?

When people wished to start new behaviours (and keep them going) ABCME® was an important first step. But more was needed.

I carefully researched the scientific literature on behavioural change…and struck gold. I found proven, highly effective strategies that consistently helped people develop the habits they want (and get rid of the ones they didn’t).

The great news was that these strategies were easy to implement. Even better? They worked with ABCME® perfectly. It was a game changer.

Now I could work effectively with clients using a clear, systematic programme to help them achieve anything they wanted. A programme that gets the job done, no matter what you want out of life. 

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is Make it Happen.


It is customary at this point to talk a little about life outside work, my family and hobbies.

Would my wife, four year old daughter, one year old son, snooker buddies or audiences at my magic shows approve? Who knows.

I’m genuinely excited to meet you and help you reach your goal.

Now let's (actually) Make it Happen.

That session was perfect for me, I don't think at this moment anything could have been better. I walked away from it feeling really positive and that I have some genuine tools to attack my problems moving forward!

Sam Sims

The clear guidance which focused on the end result really helped. I was also able to reflect personally and identify ways to best support my team.

Alex Breban

Ben is thoughtful and kind and good with follow up. Thank you for untangling the important bits out of what I said.

Nicole Gleadle